We structure Training, Coaching & Team-Building Workshops to meet your exact requirements on Integrated PR Marketing Communications Strategy and campaign Roll-Out- for Australia and Asia Business Hubs

Integrated Public Relations & Marketing Communications = Reputation + Trust + Engagement

Events - product launches, media briefings, VIP dinners, workshops, retrospective anniversaries, round-table discussions, charity CSR, exhibitions, gorilla marketing, speaker ops., competitions, gifts, 

Media - articles, press releases, announcements, media interviews in Print, Social, Radio, TV, Videos, Podcasts, Awards,  How-to-Pitch to Media.

Media Interview Training - whether for promotional videos or actual one on one media interviews, you need to be prepared to radiate confidence yet stay on track of your key messages and timing. Your posture, hand gestors, voice and pauses, are all bundled up to complete a compelling show real for that speaking opportunity submission or  YouTube upload.

Assets - Video & Photography MUST HAVES  in Marketing & Media. We know what works and what doesn't Fit-for-Purpose.  We use a systematic approach for you to tick-the-box of what you need before you go public. This  can be learned - but a designers eye + t5echnical takes time.

Identifying Key Stories - "joining the dots" of Key spokespersons, new materials / services, business methodologies, trends, opinion pieces, current affairs. 

How to Repurpose Content to different Business Sector audiences - News, Lifestyle, Design, Luxury, Travel & Leisure, 

Training Workshops can be  1/2 a Day to 2 Days.